Ch. 2 Unexpected Encounter

♡*。⁠.Noor Pov.⁠。⁠*♡

"We're late now, it's 9:53 AM, I think our boss will cut our salary. There's no use of waking up early", I said while reaching office elevator with a sad face. "And it's because of that idiots who was about to hit me". I murmured under my breath while waiting for the lift to come.

"Don't worry, we'll manage it somehow, first time you got late. It's not like that you are purposely coming late. I'm sure that our boss will forgive you", Rishika consoles me while clicking the 2nd floor button inside the lift.

When we're inside the lift, I told her everything that happened while she was busy taking gift,

she said "you did a good job that you saved a cat's life, if I was there with you, I would make a video of that scenario and made it viral so that no one will do this kind of thing to anyone whether it's a human or animal". I left a sigh that someone is there who understands me. "Thanks for understanding, Rishi".

It's good to have friends or atleast a friend who understands you. I know that she was late while selecting gift, if I was there in her place, I would have been late so I can't blame her for this.

When we reached 2nd floor, I felt that someone is watching us, Rishika patted my shoulder and I turned to her side to see that our design team head, Ms. Chawla is there, watching us both from head to toe. She is a time-discipline person who don't like late comers, she asked angrily "Why you both are so late ? You know na that I don't like late comers. Tell me, fast!" We both got shivered at her question especially me who never comes late. "Noor, I can expect from your friend, but not from you".

Yeah, she can't expect and I also can't expect this from myself.

"Mam, I have reason for that, I was about to met an accident on the way reaching office", I replied to her while looking at the floor not meeting her furious red eyes. "Ok, I'm leaving you this time but be careful next time otherwise I'll tell boss to cut your salary", mam said to me, I nodded like an obedient child in the school. "Mam, I also have a reason", Rishika said. "Now, tell me what is the reason, did you also met an accident while reaching office, huh?" Mam asked her and gestures me to go and work. I was looking at them while Rishika stated the fake reason that she was at her aunt's house to have dinner and then stayed at night, that's why she got late. Mam copy pasted the warning to her and let her leave. She didn't forget to hide the gift in her side bag as the gift is so small.

I left a sigh, after sitting on my place, placed my side bag on the table. Rishika's desk is behind me, she also got seated. I turned on my computer and she called me to listen something, "hey, Noorie, I thought that mam will tell boss to cut our salary but all of the sudden she forgave us, don't you think it's like a miracle happened with us?"


Yeah it's my nickname

Only my loved ones can call me by this name

"I think, she is in the good mood", I said.

"Yeah, you're right I also think so", she said.

"Stop copying my thoughts, ok" I pouted.


Mam assigned some works to us, she told us to make some changes in the designs to add more lively and pastel colours, curved designs, etc. We both are helping each other in the works, suddenly our boss's assistant, Mr.Tyagi reached to Chawla mam, talking something and glancing at me. Mr. Tyagi then comes to our table and said, "Noor, boss is calling you, someone wants to meet you". I asked "who wants to meet me?"

"I don't have time to explain, Come fast", he said.

Mr. Tyagi left us, I turned to Rishika, "I need to go Rishi, do other works till I come," she nodded her head in yes. Thinking about why boss called only me, I left my table.

When I reached near the cabin, I heard some people were talking about their businesses.


I'm not here to eavesdrop.

Taking long breath, I relaxed myself and knock the door.

"May I come in, sir?" I asked to which he replied "yes, come in". Feeling nervous, I entered in the cabin, (our company is famous in Mumbai) my boss said, "We're waiting for you, I want to give you some kind of news."

He gestures me to turned to the left side and my eyes wides in shock, when I saw the same people here, especially that idiot who scold me in the middle of the road, stands there, after he saw me, he starts whispers something to a handsome man who is seated, glanced at me and turned his face, "See, this is Ubaid Khan, the CEO of SwiftMall, wants a graphic designer from our company as he is launching his new product. To promote his new product, I want you to accompany him for atleast two weeks. You can start work with him from tomorrow", he said.


Two weeks


I don't want to work with them

Wait, I can give them excuse that I already have so much work.

Let's try that.

But let them finish their chatting first.

"Ubaid, see you're my friend and I can guarantee you that she will do her work sincerely", he turned his face to me and added "right, Noor?" I nodded my head in yes as I don't have any option.

Here comes my excuse

3, 2, 1...

Ta da...

"Sir, sorry to say but... Ms Chawla mam assigned some works to us and said that the work should be complete by tomorrow itself, so... I don't think that I can work with him", I said, pretending to be sad.

I'm good at acting

I'm proud of myself

"Is the works are assigned only to you, Noor?", he asked

"No, sir. Rishika is also helping me with the work". I said

"Then, I'll tell Ms Chawla to give the rest of work to Rishika as you'll not available here. Ok, problem solved", he said

I think I saw him somewhere

As I saw him again, my mind gives a glimpse of today's incident

When that idiot was nodding his head I saw a person, who is seated back

Yes, he is that person

2nd idiot

"Noor, anything else you want to tell or do you have any problem?", boss asked

"No, sir", I said in hesitation

I think I have no other choice

I'm sorry Rishika


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I changed the name of his company from Snap x to SwiftMall

Hope you all don't mind

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Nishat Bagban

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